A Seat at the Table

Each board member was asked to bring an Item of Their Inheritance

We started with a simple concept: Right Person, Right Seat.

A mission is important—a vision, a tagline so people know what you’re about, a communications plan, a road map—they’re all necessary. At Braided River Collective though, we wanted to start at the beginning. We wanted to ensure that all of the people that are supporting our mission are people of heart. We purposefully chose people that already, without need for recognition, are caring for our entrepreneurial community in their everyday actions. 

Next, we gave them space and time, in the context of a half day retreat led by the dynamos at The Inheritance Project to:

  1. Explore their own inheritance

  2. Understand how that inheritance shapes the way they see the world as well as the work we are all going to do together

  3. Embody the history of our region

  4. Envision the future that Braided River Collective creates together.

What came out of that retreat was a clearer understanding of ourselves, the history that brought us to this day and what we want to bring with us into the future. We count ourselves among the lucky to have this exceptional group at the tip of the spear. Join us as we tell the story of all that we do together.

